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College VP delivers Committee Testimony on College and Student Debt

Posted April 30, 2014 at 8:28 am

Edward C. (Ted) Nichols, Ph.D., Vice President for Academic Affairs and Student Services at Pennsylvania Highlands Community College, testified before the Pennsylvania House Majority Policy Committee on Tuesday, March 25th, at Juniata College. The hearing focused on expanding access to college and keeping student debt low.

Dr. Nichols discussed Pennsylvania Highlands’ mission of providing quality, affordable education and workforce training in the six-county Southern Allegheny region. He cited the College’s ultra-lean administrative structure, efficiently structured outreach centers, use of online and hybrid coursework to reduce student travel, the College’s “borrow wisely” campaign, and credit partnerships with high schools and transfer institutions.

The Majority Policy Committee is the main legislative policy development arm of the House Republican Caucus, providing a broad array of research and foundational information regarding legislative policy. The Committee is chaired by Chairman Dave Reed (R-Indiana). For more information, visit http://www.pagoppolicy.com.