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Title IX: Pregnancy & Parenting

What do students need to know?

If you are pregnant, or dealing with a condition related to pregnancy, you may speak to your instructor about these issues and request accommodations. You may also directly contact the Title IX coordinator at any time. Your information is confidential and will not be shared with anyone not directly involved.

Rights of Pregnant & Parenting Students

Under the Department of Education’s (DOE) Title IX regulations, an institution that receives federal funding “shall not discriminate against any student or exclude any student from its education program or activity, including any class or extracurricular activity, on the basis of such student’s pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery therefrom.”


Pregnant & parenting students have the right to reasonable accommodations similar to those provided to a student with a temporary medical condition. Examples of common reasonable accommodations include:

  • A larger or different desk
  • Breaks during class as needed to address restroom or other issues
  • Parking or elevator access
  • A change in schedule or course delivery
  • Extensions on deadlines

All such accommodations will be developed in coordination with the instructor and an administrator and will be subject to review by the Title IX Coordinator.


Lactation spaces are available at all locations. Students in need of such spaces may contact the Title IX coordinator or speak with a staff person at your location.

Title IX Coordinator

Trish A. Corle, Vice President of Student Services
Pennsylvania Highlands Community College
Richland Campus
101 Community College Way
Johnstown, PA 15904
Phone: 814.262.3841
Email: TCorle@pennhighlands.edu