Web design at Penn Highlands refers to the creation and management of the external (.EDU) website.
The front-facing website is maintained by Marketing & Communications. This does not include the myPEAK portal, Brightspace, or any other extension outside of www.pennhighlands.edu. This service is available to all Penn Highlands faculty and staff who wish to create new pages, modify existing ones, or delete webpages. To request a change on our website, please submit a project request.
Our Web Design Process
- All submissions are to be submitted at least one week prior to the date of when the change is needed via the Project Request system.
- Major submissions that include the addition of pages or sections should be discussed prior to submission in order to get an accurate timeline. Please contact Marketing & Communications.
- All submissions will be verified prior to changes being made.
- After changes are made, the requestor and impacted areas are notified of the change via the Marketing & Communications email system.
What All Goes into a webpage?
Website changes are serious to the overall construct of the College brand and presence online. Each change (and additional webpage) is reviewed. When making changes, these are items that must be considered:
- The header for each page is reviewed. Two headers must be placed/created for each page, one for desktop (2000×750) and for mobile (1000×350).
- Featured images (1000×600) must be in place for pages that could be shared.
- All links must be verified and correctly routed.
- The hierarchy of each must be correctly linked.
- Search engine optimization is performed. This means that each page gets meta tags and search phrases added.