Welcome to Pennsylvania Highlands Community College. At Penn Highlands, we provide students with affordable opportunities to gain the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in their work, in their day-to-day lives, and in their pursuit of life-long learning.
Serving five counties nestled in the beautiful Allegheny mountains, Penn Highlands Community College is a vibrant collection of educators who care for, support, and mentor students as they pursue their educational goals. We believe in collaboration and regularly create new community partnerships that strengthen Penn Highlands and creates additional educational opportunities for the diverse citizens of our communities.
We have an abundance of educational opportunities that fit your educational goals. If you want to earn a one-semester certificate or two-year degree in a career-technical field and quickly enter the workforce as a highly-skilled employee, we offer that opportunity. If you want to earn a transfer degree that prepares you for completing a bachelor’s degree with our four-year university friends, we offer that opportunity. Need some help figuring it all out? Work with our friendly and highly skilled employees who will help you get started.
Good luck to you on your educational journey here, where we are YOUR community college.
See you at Penn Highlands.
​Steve Nunez, Ed.D.

Dr. Steve Nunez, College’s Fifth President