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Students create Leadership Program

Posted April 4, 2014 at 12:52 pm

The Student Senate of Pennsylvania Highlands Community College has been highly active recently with the creation of a leadership program for Pennsylvania Highlands’ students. Students that complete the leadership program will be awarded a certificate for their participation.

The leadership program, led by Student Senate President Justin Capouellez and members of the Penn Highlands Board of Trustees, includes ten classroom sessions and will culminate in group presentations focusing on what the students have learned and how they will utilize this information as they move forward in their education and careers. A small panel of presenters and Trustees will judge the presentations.

HR Consultants, a firm specializing in leadership development will lead five of the sessions with other sessions being facilitated by community leaders. Bill Polacek, CEO of JWF industries will share his personal experiences with the students, speaking about the expectations, demands, challenges and responsibilities of leadership.

“My hope is that future students will take this initiative and continue to move it forward,” said Capoullez.