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Marketing (A.A.S.)

Marketing studies an organization’s activities as they relate to serving the needs of customers. And, marketing relies on an understanding of buyer behavior and research. Our Marketing Management degree provides the knowledge and skills required to develop ideas, goods, and services to satisfy both individual and organizational objectives.

Product management from its conception to pricing, promotion, and distribution will be addressed. Students will be able to apply marketing research and advertising principles to a product or service. In addition, developing a marketing plan is an essential component of this program as it is key to any business or organization.

Requirements & Course Sequence

Program Objectives

  1. Apply marketing research principles to a company’s product or service.
  2. Apply advertising principles to promote a firm’s image and product/service offering.
  3. Develop a marketing plan for a business using the fundamental elements of the marketing mix.
  4. Present business/marketing projects or research findings clearly in reports.

Transfer Opportunities

Your ability to start here and earn a bachelor’s degree anywhere makes Penn Highlands the right college choice. Plus, you will save thousands of dollars. Be smart, and get your associate degree with us before transferring on to something greater.

Penn Highlands has signed transfer agreements to continue your studies in Marketing Management with:

  • Saint Francis University
  • Seton Hill University

Ready? Schedule a visit to discuss your future. Transfer options are different based on the college you plan to attend; our team can help you determine the right path for what you are looking for.