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Area Scholarships

We’re passionate about breaking down the financial barriers in education. For this reason, and because we understand that every student’s journey is unique, we provide information on scholarships available across the region.

AAUW State College Undergraduate Scholarships for Centre County Women

AAUW State College presents educational scholarships to deserving women each year. These scholarships are designed to support women who have paused their undergraduate studies for at least two years and are now ready to resume or continue their education.

The AAUW State College Branch awards scholarships to four deserving recipients, offering amounts between $3,000 and $7,000 based on financial need and individual circumstances. These scholarships are open to degree-seeking women residing in Centre County who are enrolled in any accredited college or university, whether attending in person or online.

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Caring Community Scholarship

The Caring Community Scholarship, offered through the attorneys at Marcus & Mack, is a $2,000 scholarship award available to one student who has worked to make their community a better place. Marcus & Mack wants you to provide one example of a problem you saw in your community, what you did to combat it, and the positive impact your efforts had on your community, as well as on yourself.


  • Applicant is a U.S. citizen currently enrolled or about to attend an accredited community college, undergraduate, or graduate program within the United States
  • Academic achievement is reflected by a minimum 3.0 GPA.
  • The applicant must then write a 1,000-word essay explaining how they work to make their community a better place.
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Centre Foundation

The Centre Foundation exists to support donors and nonprofit organizations. By managing funds and facilitating donations, the Centre Foundation allows everyone to be a philanthropist. The Centre Foundation helps nonprofits achieve their missions throughout Centre County.

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Community Foundation for the Alleghenies

Through the generosity of its donors, the Community Foundation is honored to help students of all types find scholarship opportunities to help them pursue education and build their careers.

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Emily Lee Scholarship

The Emily Lee Scholarship began in the 1980s and has been given annually ever since. The program, sponsored by Lee Initiatives, is directed toward deserving young people pursuing healthcare careers. Individuals could be enrolled in post-secondary technology certification programs or degree programs.

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Pennsylvania Business & Professional Women Foundation

The PA BPW Foundation was established in 2008 as a 501(c)(3) organization. Their mission is to provide full participation, equity, and economic self-sufficiency for America’s working women.

Grants are provided to individuals who:

  • Are interested in furthering their education
  • Have proven financial need
  • Are United States citizens
  • Meet the requirements outlined in the scholarship application
  • Have been a paid member of BPW/PA or a resident of Pennsylvania for at least two years prior to application
  • Submit a complete application with supporting data to the PA BPW Foundation scholarship committee
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PA House of Representatives Scholarship

The PA House of Representatives Scholarship provides four-year scholarships to two high school seniors per year. Community college students are eligible for this scholarship.

The award is to be used towards the cost of tuition and fees for a four-year program at a college, university, or career school in Pennsylvania. Each award consists of the value of one semester of tuition at Shippensburg University in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania which is a state-supported school for each of four years, as stipulated by members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives when the scholarship was established.

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives Scholarship Program enhances educational opportunities for eligible students who reside in Pennsylvania. The program is privately funded by individual and corporate donors; no tax or other public funds are used. The program is administered by The Foundation for Enhancing Communities (a 501(c)(3) community foundation) and uses the nowU Pennsylvania 529 College Savings Program at the State Treasury Department to ensure that the scholarships keep pace with tuition inflation (nowU, formerly TAP 529, was established by the Pennsylvania General Assembly in 1992).

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PHNCF Healthcare Scholarships

At the PHN Charitable Foundation (PHNCF), we believe that we must invest in the future of health care. We must ensure that there will always be well-trained doctors, nurses, technicians, and other healthcare professionals to provide the highest quality of care in our health centers. To support this belief, the PHNCF awards $30,000 in academic scholarships to students pursuing a career in healthcare or allied health fields each year. Recipients have gone on to pursue careers as doctors, pharmacists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and more.

Students are only permitted one application submission per year and can be either college-bound or currently enrolled at a public college, private college, or vocational school.

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Richland Township Volunteer Fire Department Live-In Scholarship

In partnership with the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies, the Richland Township Volunteer Fire Department (RTFD) offers a scholarship of up to $14,000 for Live-in Firefighters that are also current students.

Interested students must be able to prove their enrollment status at their respective educational institutes, and must also commit to serving as Live-in Firefighters with the RTFD for the duration of their time enrolled in school.

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Thomas Caulfield Veterans Remembered Scholarship

The Thomas Caulfield Veterans Remembered Scholarship honors Thomas Caulfield, an Army veteran of the Vietnam War and the esteemed president and CEO of Veteran Community Initiatives, Inc. since its establishment in 1993.

The $1,000 scholarship will be awarded annually and is available by applying through the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies website. Applicants are required to have a military affiliation, either as a veteran or as a dependent of a service member.

To qualify, applicants must be:

  • A current member of the military
  • A current dependent of a member of the military or a veteran
  • A grandchild of a veteran
  • Preference may also be given for disabled veteran status or for dependent of a service member who died while serving in the military.
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Soroptimist International Centre County – Live Your Dream Awards

Soroptimist’s Live Your Dream Awards program is a unique education award for women who provide the primary financial support for their families. The Live Your Dream Awards give women the resources they need to improve their education, skills and employment prospects. A Live Your Dream Awards finalist has the potential to receive up to $16,000 to help offset tuition costs, purchase books, get transportation, or find reliable childcare so she can worry less about how to pay her bills and focus on reaching her dreams.

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Wise Women of Blair County

Scholarships will be available to Blair County resident females 21 years of age or older who have overcome adversity or discrimination in their lives and who are pursuing post-secondary education. The scholarship is not available for a master’s, doctorate, or a second bachelor’s degree.

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