We are here for your students from application to admission.
At Penn Highlands, we know that high school counselors play a vital role in ensuring their students make the best decision for their future. We’re here to support you in your efforts however we can.
Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help your students navigate the admissions process.
how do i request for penn highlands to visit my high school?
For senior presentations, application sessions, and financial aid presentations, please reach out to Admissions at admissions@pennhighlands.edu.
For Dual Enrollment presentations, please reach out to ACE@pennhighlands.edu.
financial aid
Help your students get the most out of financial assistance by filling out the FAFSA form. There are several types of financial aid, including grants, scholarships, work-study, and loans available to help students meet college expenses.
The Penn Highlands Community College FAFSA Code is 031804.
Encourage your students to visit our Paying For College section to explore all the different ways Penn Highlands can assist with paying for college.

visit our locations
We have locations spread throughout the region built to serve western Pennsylvania. Encourage your students to meet with an Admissions representative and tour one of our facilities.
Pennsylvania Highlands Community College provides its students with affordable opportunities to gain the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in a supportive, student-oriented environment.

ace bridge scholarship
The ACE Bridge Scholarship is designed to provide financial support and aid to former ACE dual enrollment students as they work towards earning an associate degree or certificate at Pennsylvania Highlands Community College.
To be eligible, students must have completed ACE dual enrollment credits during their high school years and achieved a grade of C or higher in all such classes.

How does one of my high school students get started?
- First, complete a College Application by clicking here. Please note, tuition is determined by the legal/home/permanent address. You may be required to verify residency.
- Submit an official copy of your final high school transcript or GED®. Please note, students who apply during their senior year of high school must also provide an official copy of their final transcript following graduation.
- An acceptance letter will be mailed to the student. An important email will also be sent to the student with myPEAK account information and activation instructions along with information about next steps. BE SURE TO ACTIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT.
- After having applied, be sure to review and complete every step of the enrollment process.

Shea's story
A student who overcame many obstacles to become a graduate of Penn Highlands Community College.
Adrianna's story
A young student who wanted to stay close to home and save money while finding her calling. Now, she plans to be a teacher.Â
brooke's story
A first-generation college graduate who jump-started her collegiate career by completing dual enrollment courses.