Contact Us Apply


Penn Highlands Huntingdon is a drop-in center designed to improve access to educational programming for residents of Huntingdon County. The Huntingdon Center currently offers services related to applications, testing, academic and career planning, remediation, use of technology, and more. Contact us by email or call 814.643.6200 to schedule your appointment today.

Students who attend Penn Highlands Huntingdon are also able to take advantage of the many resources available at our Richland Campus. These resources include the Library, Student Success Center, Financial Aid, and more.

Huntingdon Offerings

Penn Highlands Huntingdon students can access a range of online programs. In addition to the programs listed below, Huntingdon offers the necessary support to complete any academic program offered by the College.

Program NameType
Accounting Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.)
Behavioral SciencesAssociate of Arts (A.A.)
Bookkeeping Certificate
Business ManagementAssociate of Applied Science (A.A.S.)
Business ManagementCertificate
EntrepreneurshipAssociate of Applied Science (A.A.S.)
Liberal Arts & SciencesAssociate of Arts (A.A.)
Liberal Arts & SciencesCertificate
Medical Coding & BillingAssociate of Applied Science (A.A.S.)
PA Director CredentialCertificate
Paralegal StudiesAssociate of Applied Science (A.A.S.)
Social Service AssistantAssociate of Applied Science (A.A.S.)

Classes within certain programs can be offered in a variety of formats. Visit our course modalities page for a detailed description of each format type.

Interested in another career path? Click here to see all program offerings at Penn Highlands Community College.

Visit The Huntingdon Center

Penn Highlands Huntingdon is located inside the Sill Business Incubator (419 14th Street, Huntingdon, PA 16652). Please visit us during our hours of operation, or schedule a one-on-one visit with us using this form. You may also contact us by phone at 814.643.6200 or email us to schedule your visit.

During your one-on-one visit with us, you will get to tour the Huntingdon Center, discuss career and educational goals with an advisor, and learn about the opportunities available to you at Penn Highlands Community College.

Click here for up-to-date Huntingdon Center Business Hours.

Apply Today

Our admissions process is simple and takes less than 15 minutes. There is no need to be alarmed. Penn Highlands accepts applications year-round and admits students on a rolling basis.