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Student Accessibility Services

Pennsylvania Highlands Community College recognizes and supports the standards set forth in Sec 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, which are designed to eliminate discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities. Disabilities may include physical or mental impairments which substantially limit one or more of a person’s major life activities which necessitate modifications to the facilities, programs, or services of the College. Pennsylvania Highlands Community College is committed to making reasonable accommodations for qualifying students with disabilities as required by applicable laws. The College is also committed to making its facilities accessible as required by applicable laws. The College is not required to make accommodations that are unduly burdensome or that fundamentally alter the nature of the College’s programs.

Students wishing to request accommodations must visit the Accessibility Specialist, whose office is located within the Student Success Center. Students are required to fill out a form only viewed by the Accessibility Specialist which describes the disability and how it will affect the student’s major life activities as relevant to Pennsylvania Highlands Community College programs. In addition, the student must include on this form the accommodations he or she is requesting from the College. A student requesting accommodation is required to provide current acceptable documentation at his or her expense. The documentation must be authored by objective professionals qualified to diagnose the disability for which the accommodation is requested. This documentation must verify the nature and extent of the disability and manner in which the disability limits major life activities relevant to the student’s participation in coursework at Pennsylvania Highlands.

All documentation is required to be submitted a minimum of two weeks prior to the start of the semester. This period is required for the Accessibility Specialist to conduct a thorough review and arrange any accommodations which will be provided. Students who provide incomplete documentation will not be given consideration for accommodations. The College reserves the right to request any additional information or documentation it deems necessary to formulate a reasonable and appropriate accommodation plan.

  • Documentation Requirements

  • Accommodations

  • Note Taker/Scribe Services

  • Reader Services

  • Time Extensions

  • Key Definitions & Dear Colleague Letter

  • Disability Discrimination Section 504 Grievance Procedure

Mike Lucas, Accessibility Specialist
Student Success Center

1.888.385.7325 (PEAK)
Email Mike Lucas