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Gender Identity Guide

Inclusion Related to Gender Identity

In upholding the principles of equity and inclusion, Pennsylvania Highlands Community College supports the full integration and healthy development of those who are transgender, transitioning, nonbinary, or gender-diverse, and seeks to eliminate any stigma related to gender identity and expression.

Pennsylvania Highlands Community College is committed to fostering a climate where all identities are valued, contributing to a more vibrant and diverse community. As our society’s understanding of gender evolves, so do the Pennsylvania Highlands Community College’s processes and policies.

Misgendering or mispronouncing is the intentional or unintentional use of pronouns or identifiers that are different from those used by an individual. Unintentional misgendering is usually resolved with a simple apology if someone clarifies their pronouns for you. Intentional misgendering is inconsistent with the type of community we hold ourselves out to be and may constitute a policy violation if the effect is greater than de minimis harm.

Deadnaming, along with misgendering, can be very traumatic to a person who is transgender, transitioning, nonbinary, or gender-diverse. Deadnaming means using someone’s birth-assigned (cisgender) name, rather than the name they have chosen.

This policy should be interpreted consistent with the goals of maximizing the inclusion of intersex, transgender, transitioning, agender, nonbinary, and gender-diverse students and employees, including:

  • Maintaining the privacy of all individuals consistent with law
  • Ensuring all students have equal access to educational programming, activities, and facilities, including restrooms and locker rooms
  • Ensuring all employees have equal access to employment opportunities and work, service, or health-related facilities
  • Providing professional development for employees and education for students on topics related to gender inclusion
  • Encouraging all students and employees to respect the pronoun usage and identities of all members of the Pennsylvania Highlands Community College community

Pennsylvania Highlands Community College uses a number of interventions to address concerns that are raised related to gender-based harassment or discrimination, including problem-solving, intervention, confrontation, investigation, and policy enforcement. When conflicts arise between the right of members of the community to be free from gender-identity discrimination and those exercising their right to religious freedom, the Pennsylvania Highlands Community College will try to balance rights and interests to find mutually agreeable outcomes or compromises. When that is not possible, Pennsylvania Highlands Community College will offer remedial solutions or enforce its policies, while also respecting the rights of all members of its community.